Pharmacy Chain, CVS, to Pay $10.4M in Owed Wages for Training Modules

Pharmacy chain, CVS Pharmacy Inc., has just settled claims that it owed significant wages to its California employees. The $10.4 million settlement will resolve allegations that pharmacy employees were shorted on pay for their actual hours worked. More than 24,000 employees in California who were employed for CVS as pharmacists, pharmacist technicians, pharmacy managers, and pharmacy service associates, stand to benefit from this pay out.

The class action lawsuit, which was filed back in 2016under the California Labor Code, specifically alleged that CVS had policies in place that required mandatory training modules be completed. However, employees completing these modules were only paid for the time CVS assumed it would take to complete them and not how long it actually took. Affected employees would in turn have to complete these training sessions and other work off-the-clock, either pre-shift, during meal breaks, or post shift, and went completely unpaid for this time.

Unfortunately, training sessions that go uncompensated are nothing new in this industry. These violations are all too common and often employees assume that since they are mandatory compliances, there is nothing they can do in terms of recovering pay for time spent off the clock. If you’ve experienced a similar violation you may be eligible to recover pay your time spent completing work off-the-clock. Call our employment law firm, Fitapelli & Schaffer, LLP, for a free and confidential consultation now. We can be reached at (212) 300-0375 or you can also visit our website for additional helpful information regarding your rights.