Conde Nast Unpaid Intern Lawsuit


Conde Nast Allegedly Violates Federal and State, Wage and Hour Laws by Failing to Pay Interns

On June 13, 2013, two former interns, Lauren Ballinger and Matthew Leib (Plaintiffs) filed a class action complaint in U.S. Federal Court (S.D.N.Y.) on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated against Conde Nast Publications ...

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Ainsworth Lawsuit

On June 12, 2013, the Alycia Carrillo (“Plaintiff”) filed a complaint in U.S. Federal Court on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated that worked at The Ainsworth and Ainsworth Park (collectively, the “Ainsworth Bars”), as class representative, alleging that Paige Hospitality Group (“Defendant”) unlawfully violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) and New York Labor Law (NYLL). The plaintiff is seeking to recover unpaid minimum wages, overtime compensation, spread of hours pay, misappropriated gratuities, misappropriated service charges, unlawful ...

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Ruby Tuesday Lawsuit Decision


S.D.N.Y. Grants Conditional Certification and Court-Authorized Notice to Tipped Employees against Ruby Tuesday Restaurants


On June 11, 2013, the U.S. Federal Court (S.D.N.Y.) granted conditional certification and court-authorized notice to potential class members in Guttentag v. Ruby Tuesday, ...

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Supreme Court Arbitration Decision


The Supreme Court of the United States Affirmed the Court of Appeals Decision to Not Overrule Arbitrators Decision to Permit Class Arbitration

On June 10, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously affirmed the Third Circuits decision to deny the Defendants, Oxford Health Plans’, appeal to deny an arbitrators decision to approve class arbitration proceedings based ...

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Second Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms Cost and Fee Award in Torres v. Gristede’s Operating Corp.


On May 22, 2013, the United State Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied defendants Gristede’s Operating Corp.’s appeal from District Judge Paul A. Crotty’s award of $3,415,450 in attorneys’ fees and $442,609.85 in costs to plaintiffs after the parties entered into a $3,530,000 settlement on the eve of trial. 

Defendants argued that the district court did not adequately ...

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Age Discrimination Survey


AARP Survey Evidences Age Bias in the Workplace

In late 2012, the AARP surveyed 1,502 adults between the ages of 45 and 74 about age discrimination in the workplace, and found that many of the people surveyed have had personal experiences with age bias at work. 

As Ann Carrns explained in the New York Times, almost 20% of the people surveyed believed they have been passed over for ...

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Supreme Court Pro-Business Decisions


Recent Supreme Court Decisions Favor Businesses over Consumers, Employees

A recent Minnesota Law Review article studied 2,000 Supreme Court decisions from 1946 to 2011, and confirmed that the current Supreme Court is, by a wide margin, the most business-friendly Court during the time period.  All five of the Court’s conservative-leaning judges (John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito) rank among the ...

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RIKI Restaurant NYC Lawsuit

Click Here to View Complaint


On April 30, 2013, Fitapelli & Schaffer filed a class and collective action lawsuit against the owners and operators of Restaurant Riki, Box Snack Riki, and Riki Yakiniku Izakaya (collectively referred to as the “Riki Restaurants”), for failing to pay minimum wages, overtime wages, spread of hours pay, and for misappropriating customer tips intended for their servers.   According to the lawsuit, the Riki Restaurants  have violated numerous provisions of the ...

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