Twin Stone Designs and Installation

Issues:Unpaid Overtime, Straight Time for Overtime 


On Friday, May 1, 2020, Fitapelli & Schaffer, LLP filed a collective action lawsuit against Twin Stone Designs and Installation, Inc., a South Florida-based marble and tile installation company, for unpaid overtime.  Twin Stone sources and installs marble and tile to some of the largest job sites in the Southeast, such as highly rated hotels and casinos.  

The lawsuit alleges that Twin Stone improperly paid its marble and tile installation workers “straight time” for overtime rather than time and a half their rates of pay.  Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, these employees should have received overtime at a rate no less than 1.5 times their rates of pay.

Often times, construction companies improperly pay their workers straight time for hours they work over 40 in a workweek, despite the FLSA’s clear requirement. If you, or anyone you know, has worked for Twin Stone Designs and Installation, or any construction company, and has questions or concerns about their pay, do not hesitate to give us a call for a free and confidential consultation at (212) 300-0375 or visit our site here. One of our representatives will be able to let you know if you may be covered by this lawsuit or if you may have an additional claim.

You can also view the filed complaint here.