F&S Investigating Weight Loss Supplements

We are currently investigating several popular weight-loss and workout supplements labelled to contain the active ingredient acacia rigidula, a shrub native to parts of Mexico and southern Texas.  A recent study analyzing multiple brands of acacia rigidula supplements found that a large percentage of the supposedly “natural” products actually contain the dangerous, lab-made stimulant BMPEA (beta-methylphenylethylamine).  BMPEA is a chemical almost identical to amphetamine, an addictive stimulant that has been linked to many serious health conditions, including high ...

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Lawsuit against Costco and Popcorners for Unpaid Wages

On July 7, 2014, Fitapelli & Schaffer, LLP filed a class action lawsuit against Costco Wholesale Corporation and the owners/operators of PopCorners, a brand of “all natural” popped corn chip products.  The lawsuit alleges that the defendants failed to compensate Sales Representatives of PopCorners overtime pay.  The plaintiff alleges that he would be required to hand out free samples in a specific Costco location and be required to work from open to close of the store.  As a result of ...

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